
    Billen Ben said:

    How does postal voting work if the amendments are still to be allowed?

    Hopefully someone will correct me if I'm wrong but right now in NSW, you can instruct (or limit) the way your proxy votes by stating it on the proxy form.

    However, even if you have clearly told your proxy holder that you want them to vote in a certain way and it's not on the form, they can vote whichever way they think is best.  And that, I think, would cover amendments. I would think that amendments that substantially altered the nature of the core vote would not be permitted by the chair, in any case (and may have to be on the agenda, too, if I'm right).

    If that is the case, then all items on an agenda would have a yes or no option on the proxy form.  The flaw in this is that people are making up their minds before they hear all the arguments and that isn't a good thing.  Better, I'd say, to find someone you know and trust and give them a free hand on some issues but designate a clear voting option on matters you feel strongly about.

    I'd be interested to hear how this works in jurisdictions that have different rules on proxies – Queensland, for instance.

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