Billen Ben

    Thanks Mr Strata …great work. An amendment makes a postal vote a no vote.

    That can work and as Mr Strata points out – it makes getting the agenda right important.

    Just one other matter.

    If there is postal voting and postal votes become no votes upon an amendment of a motion could a small group present at a meeting pass an amendment with the sole objective of failing a motion that would have passed unamended?

    Consider: just over half of a quorum could still undermine a motion that would have passed unamended – if they wanted.
    I’ll put some numbers on that .. if one quarter of people entitled to vote show up to an AGM  (a quorum) and they pass an amendment solely to make all postal votes no votes then just over one eight of owners entitled to vote on a motion could potentially bring down a motion by simply passing an amendment.

    The current system is not great so perhaps postal voting is a better system even if the above was possible — smaller holes are an improvement.