Lady Penelope

    peaceandquiet – You may need to adopt a separate NO PARTY by-law, or at least include additional conditions in one of your other by-laws.

    Try to avoid subjective and vague language in your By-law such as “balconies and courtyards are to be used with consideration for other residents”. These types of words are relatively meaningless. 

    Examples of stricter conditions are:

    “XXXXXXXXX has a zero tolerance policy on parties being held in the apartments and common areas between the hours of 9 p.m. and 11 a.m..

    A party being defined as:
    – Any situation where the maximum number of occupants allowed per apartment is exceeded.

    – Any situation where the noise level from the apartment is deemed too high thereby disturbing other occupants.

    – Any situation whereby excessive traffic to/from the apartment is identified.
    – Any situation where it is deemed that intoxication is occurring.
    – Any situation where it is identified that excessive alcohol is present.”

    To address your current dilemma I would request that a By Law infringement Notice be proceeded with against the Tenants as per the procedure outlined in the Act. Tenants can be evicted if they do not abide by the by-laws. A By-law infringement Notice is the first step in achieving this outcome.