
    @peaceandquiet said:

    Now the apartment with the courtyard is at it again *one day* later. It’s a Tuesday night. All we can hear inside our completely closed up apartment is their loud conversation.

    What can we do next?  

    You don’t say what your by-laws (rules) say about noise but I would imagine they include the universal rule that residents can’t make a noise that disturbs other residents’ peaceful enjoyment of their lots. This applies at any time of day and night  and there is no allowance for parties or anything else.

    Start proceedings which, in Victoria, I believe means an internal mediation leading ultimately, if that doesn’t work, to action at VCAT.

    Your strata committee can’t just ignore this. They have to either do something or tell you why they are doing nothing.  

    Have a look HERE and it will tell you how to proceed with this complaint.

    Try to deal with this using your existing rules.  But if the committee and management say this is a persistent problem and “there’s nothing we can do about it” it’s time to look at both tightening up the rules and enforcement of them.

    The opinions offered in these Forum posts and replies are not intended to be taken as legal advice. Readers with serious issues should consult experienced strata lawyers.