Billen Ben

    Hi unlucky,
    A 2 -2 vote fails by definition because there was no majority. A tied vote means a motion fails.

    What was the understanding of how the vote was being done?

    If the vote was a show of hands vote, one hand = one vote, then the motion failed but if the vote had been by poll then the motion passed.

    If it was by poll then what method did the Chair adopt – polls are generally done on paper and are determined based on entitlement. A poll can be by show of hands where the hand represents the unit entitlement but it needs to be clear the vote is a poll.

    A motion to pay an EC member for their toil (volunteer work) needs to be an AGM motion, the EC cannot pass such a motion, and if you want it to pass such a motion at the AGM then it seems you will need to demand a poll when the motion is put to the meeting.

    There is no need for the beneficiary of a motion to pay an EC member to abstain but it is arguably more ethical for them to leave the matter to those who are deciding if they are worthy.

    Hope the above helps.