
    @JimmyT said:
    The laws about visitor parking haven’t changed.  If you have by-laws that prevent it, they will stay the same.  If your building has problems with rogue parking, then the new laws don’t come in until later this year and even then, it’s unlikely to have an immediate effect, if any.

    In your situation, this ad hoc arrangement will be fine until someone decides it isn’t.  There are no StrataKops patrolling buildings looking for by-law breaches. If nobody in your building objects, then you will be fine.  If and when someone does, you need to think about renting a space from another resident – or parking your car in the street! 

    Interestingly, one owner did object quite a lot. He must be a night owl or early riser to discover the heinous crime. He delighted in leaving nasty notes on the windscreen, in our letter box, under our door, knocked on our door to shout at us and hurl abuse about our flagrant abuse of the rules, whenever we passed in the corridor. He also objected to me parking a car and motorcycle in my allocated single car space, despite there being ample room to do so and both vehicles being well within the lines.

    The thing is, the visitor spaces are very rarely used. I mean they are empty 99.9% of the time, so its not like there is a lot of inconvenience and as I mentioned, my partner only parks there as a last resort and the vehicle is moved early the next day.

    I did manage to have a “conversation” with this person asking why he was so pedantic about keeping all the visitor spaces empty all the time? His response was that “its against the rules and the rules have to be followed all the time. No exceptions. Ever!”

    Anyway, I had a chat with some of the other residents. It turns out he was trying to rally support for his cause. He wanted us evicted. Unbeknown to me, the other residents were well aware of my partner being a nurse and her occasional use of the visitor parking and they are all fine with it. Infact they were getting a little weary of the constant badgering by Mr Rule Book.

    Sometimes sense and reason and cooperation prevail.