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@petya said:
Are we allowed to set up security cameras to be able to identify at least those residents who leave the rubbish?
Yes, provided you post a permanent notice warning people that they are being filmed
If somebody witnessing that some wrong rubbish is being brought into rubbish bin area is it sufficient for identification?
Not really, unless it is corroborated. Otherwise it’s just a question of “he said, she said”.
If we are able to identify residents what options do we have in order to ensure that those tenants (or maybe they landlords) to deal with their own rubbish appropriately ?
Landlords are responsible for the behaviour of their tenants (up to a point). Pass a by-law saying that residents must not leave oversized rubbish in that area or they will be charged the cost of its removal.
Put up a sign warning residents that leaving oversized garbage is a breach of that by-law.
And put a note on the by-laws given to all tenants warning them that leaving rubbish in that area could affect their bond as the landlord will be charged for its removal.