
    In order to understand why we are interpreting the registered strata plan differently,  I have requested further clarification from both the Strata Manager and the owner who does not agree with my assessment. As usual, the Strata Manager has been unresponsive so far and I have sent him another reminder.

    I am also mindful that some owners have raised concerns earlier that it would be inconvenient for them to move because their storeroom was jam-packed. 

    Meanwhile, I also organized 3 professionals on different weekends to carry out an independent assessment and their interpretation was similar to mine.

    My assessment was found to also match the assessment carried out by one of the Real estate agents who recently sold 2 units in our block and he was the first one who brought to our attention that some of us were occupying incorrect storage room. 

    I would like to keep an open mind, however, would not be like to be shortchanged on my unit entitlement.