
    @JimmyT said:

    But if the renovating owner sells and the new owner doesn’t become aware until later that common property has been altered, then the repair and maintenance of the altered common property falls back on the Owners Corp – that’s why you need watertight by-laws that leave a paper trail of changes.

    Not sure that is true. As generally it’s the new owners responsibility to make sure everything is in order before purchasing the property. That why they do searches before completion to make sure everything is kosher. Also how on earth is the OC supposed to know when alterations are done within the property if owner (who did the alteration) doesn’t admit to it.

    Adding a sensor light (example) in place of a normal light outside your front door in effect means you need a bylaw to be legal at $2,000 a pop is ridiculous.

    This also seems to leave the door open for malicious people to take other residents to CTTT over every little alteration they notice. Adjudicator would generally find in their favor and tell defendant to have a bylaw added to make their alteration legal (costing them $2,000). CryCryCry