
    Have received report from structural engineer.

    He states “wall cracks are mainly due to foundation movement as well as some load stress from upper level…..cracks observed are fine, repaired previously and would generally be considered non structural…normally just filled and repaired when unit is repainted….prior proposed crack stitching in an excellent repair method but more often used and suited for larger structural cracks”

    My inclination is to deny the extensive stitch repair but who then is responsible for the  cosmetic repair on the internal boundary wall. A mere fill and repaint.

    As a contrast, I have another unit that has developed a 1 cm wide crack in the internal wall around the window frame. I would consider that more appropriate for major repair.

    Another aspect I have gained from the report on that matter and others is that the problems are inherent and typical of the position of the unit within the building structure and it’s directional aspect.

    To me those are somewhat knowns when you purchase such a property and reflected in the price you pay for it.

    I get the impression that some owners buy the ‘worst’ position unit in the block, pay the lower appropriate price but then expect the OC to pay to make it somehow premium. If you buy the unit that doesn’t get any sunlight, then you cant expect other owners to fork out money when you claim you have damp issues etc. because of a lack of sunlight etc.

    You are going to get these sorts of issues. Other units wont due to their level and position in the structure and they paid a pretty penny for that.