Lady Penelope

    What state do you live in?

    In QLD the BCCMA states that all three of the following elements must be satisfied for an Owner to be liable for the repair, therefore if only two elements are satisfied then the OC is responsible for the repair:

    Utility infrastructure that:

    1. supplies a utility service to only one lot; and
    2. is within the boundaries of the lot; and
    3. is not within a boundary structure for the lot

    In NSW it would appear from SSDA 2015 that the power point could be an Owner responsibility if it only benefits one lot and satisfies (b)(i -ii) and could be classified as being part of the wires and cables.

    common infrastructure means:
    (a) the cubic space occupied by a vertical structural member of a building, other than a wall, or
    (b) the pipes, wires, cables or ducts that are not for the exclusive benefit of one lot and are:
    (i) in a building in relation to which a plan for registration as a strata plan
    (ii) otherwise—in a building or in a part of a parcel that is not a building, or
    (c) the cubic space enclosed by a structure enclosing pipes, wires, cables or ducts referred to in paragraph (b).was lodged with the Registrar-General before 1 March 1986, or