
    The only way to get a good unbiased strata report, which has no conflict of interest is for a potential purchaser to personally carry out the strata roll inspection.

    This is something my partner and I have done on numerous occasions over the past five years. Each inspection only cost approximately $33, and apart from the inconvenience of taking an hour or so off work was worth it every time.

    Inspecting the strata roll, and in particular minutes of past meetings and correspondence gave us a clearer indication of the “community” we were potentially buying into, and being able to ascertain  issues such as control freaks on the EC ………Or at the other end of that spectrum; if the OC just didn’t care about their property.

    Of course if the strata records are poorly kept then some information could be missing, but anomalies such as meetings being convened, but no minutes produced, or dubious special levies being raised could be scrutinized.

    The time and multiple amounts of $32 we have spent were well worth it, and we believe that many a bullet has been dodged by us  NOT buying into a strata due to discoveries we made during a strata inspection.