Lady Penelope

    Do you have access to a Cadastral map of your scheme? A Cadastral map is a map showing legal survey boundaries, portion and plan numbers, parish and county names and boundaries.

    In NSW the ‘cadastre map’ is the official index map of land showing boundaries, railways, roads, waterways, parcel identifiers and other information which define subdivision patterns and other parcel features of a locality on the ground. This is currently maintained by NSW Land Registry Services in the Digital Cadastral Database (DCDB). Their phone number is 1300 052 637.

    Sometimes it is possible to get a general idea of the boundaries from this map but if precision and certainty is needed then your OC may need to hire the services of a cadastral surveyor to re-peg the boundaries. The surveyor should provide a quote.

    Being that the boundary to be defined is between the common property and the individual Lot owners then the cost should be shared between the OC (for the common property) and each and every affected Lot owners. If all Lot owners are affected then the OC should pay for the total cost of the survey.

    After the boundaries have been identified and pegged then the markers should not be removed. I live in Qld where it is a criminal offence (punishable by a fine) to interfere with a survey marker.

    Is it possible to have the boundaries of the Lots more permanently defined such as by garden beds, low fences or something similar?