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What you need is a new committee and one of the best ways to achieve that is to get enough like-minded people to agree on an agenda and put themselves forward to take over at the next AGM.
There are many ways to do this but communication is the key to all of them. I suspect Stratabox works best when it is run by the committee. The trick is to become the committee and then install Stratabox so that you can keep the good guys in power for as long as they are needed.
Conversely, being a constant iritation to the committee doesn’t work. You have to give people a reason for voting you in – and that usually comes down to showing them how their money is being wasted and how the value of their property is being harmed.
Anything else is just politics and most owners couldn’t care less about what they see as purely personal conflicts.
So, yes, form your government in exile, but make it a force for good and not just a convocation of carpers.