Billen Ben

    Macfadyen said:

    Thank you Simone however I fear the EC Committee are about to put 'mates' of theirs as Strata Managers replacing our current ones so there will never be a fair go for those in the complex not currently in favour. 

    Here is one of the real problems in strata that neither the Act no CTTT will address; the clique running an SP as their little kingdom.

    Is there anything that leads to more dysfunction in an OC than people looking after their mates while treating with disdain those not in favour.
    Flat Chat is littered with account after account of people not “in” being treated as lepers; stories of those “in” having their nests feathered at the expense of others.

    I often state to CTTT that this sort of behavior is dysfunctional management but I would say the practice has become so common place and wide spread it is now an elephant in the room.