
    Thanks Ben for understanding…that is exactly what we have here – a dysfunctional EC who were the first to take ownership of their apartments and move into the complex doing whatever they liked as the builder had gone into liquidation.  They ensured they got themselves elected to the EC prior to anyone else moving in and have managed to convince others moving in after them that they are the only experienced people able to manage it and who have their best interests at heart. 

    The poor devils who are not thinking for themselves are just being led along by the nose with a few little ‘favours’ thrown in as and when needed.  It is so sad to see that people do not think for themselves or stand up for their rights.  It is only that 2 apartments realised what was going on early in the piece and recognised the intimidation, victimisation and harrassment for what it was….bullying tactics. 

    We have since stood up for ourselves and be heard and we will continue in that vein until these rude people are too old or sick to carry on (they are all older than us) so one way or another we will win out.  We will also test the CTTT to see if they can put some ‘teeth’ into the matter and force a change.  We just want equity for the property we bought into and our just rights to access and to be treated fairly and that there is transparency to all. 

    The weak and the frail or those who dont care will one day find themselves or their families disadvantaged by these bullies and when they find that the lockable common property that they have a right to, has been annexed by default to the EC member apartments and therefore increased the value of their apartments, perhaps then they will understand our fight for justice.  In the meantime, we continue the battle and hope that as some sell and newcomers move in, that they will understand immediately what is taking place and make change and the tide will turn.

    There is nothing in the world like two determined people who want change to make it happen. Thanks again