
    Waldorf said:

    jag said:

    Hi how did you go with this issue ? I'm about to face a similar thing . My nieghbour want to relocate kitchen next to my main bedrom . I am the only one affected in this case re noise . We are about to go to a meeting . he has only supplied crude drawings and plansto fix drainage to common laundry. I think I have other owners support . Council application is required .

    One owner feels why not if not affecting them??

    Do I go to cttt if its passed by oc?



    There’s more to this renovation than perhaps the owner realises. The OC has a responsibility to seek legal advice to get this process right. To do internal work of this nature, common property will be affected. Your neighbour will need a complete set of plans drawn up by a professional – not hand drawn sketch.

    Remember the internal surfaces of floors, ceilings and external + common walls are common property.  Before these can be touched, the OC needs to see a lot of paperwork from the unit owner. Plans will need to show all work to be undertaken ie. relocation of plumbing, electrical, water etc. – how and where the services will be relocated; how waste water will be pumped away; any false ceilings/walls etc. including proposed soundproofing (acoustic rated plasterboard + insulating batts for sound, acoustic material for floor etc), proof of insurance cover from the builder and all contractors.  It’s a long list. 

    My advice to the OC is to seek advice from a strata lawyer like we did.  That way, everything is done correctly.  The OC will need to pass an Exclusive Use By-Law attributing responsibility for future damage the renovations might cause to the unit owner.The local council will need to see all the above prior to approving a DA for the renovation.

    Hope it works out.

    Hi .

    Thanks Waldorf


    Our meeting was held but no result as motion was to discuss . The owner is going to seek  legal advice and put forward his request again.

     I personally  have spoken to a strata lawyer who tells me that the proposed kitchen relocation will degrade the amenity of my lot . My situation involves the fact that my  main bedroom is the thoroughfare to my garden courtyard with 3 bifold doors . Currently my neighbours 2nd bedroom is the thoroughfare to his yard with opening french doors . There is no window to this bedroom only opening doors . (its a 1950s block which was altered)There is a dividing fence between us . Meaning my bedroom and proposed kitchen doors are 1 meter apart . Any internal sound proofing will not stop noise transmission and odours when doors are open . I have an outdoor setting  and if I am there I will hear and visa versa every conversation . Would this hold at the CTTT?

    The owner stated in the meeting that he only needs council approval to change plumbing because he is not changing internal walls  .

    Is this true ?

    How do I go about getting the OC to engage a lawyer ? So far the advice I sought was at my own expense .


    I have called an executive meeting to discuss the proposal . I'm secretary of EC . Is this a good Idea?