
    Hi Lady Penelope,

    I don’t think there is a lack of clarity about how we want to get the agenda for SC meetings. We have emailed the SM and rung and had meetings with them..

    The AGM agenda is well presented and circulated – no problems.

    It is the monthly SC meetings. Over the last nine meetings we have noted that in 4 instances there was an agenda circulated and in 5 instances there was not.

    We’ve had mediation and a meeting on governance.

    We engaged a lawyer to represent us against the SC and in that instance your advice was enormously helpful. One of the issues raised during mediation was governance, including, specifically, failings in relation to notice of SC meeting agendas. We thought there had been an improvement after the mediation process but unfortunately the situation seems to be reverting to the bad old days.

    So, our expectations should not be a surprise to the SC or SM.