
    Thank you all for responding.  I now realise you need more information.  This building has badly installed and very leaky windows which were put in 23 years ago.  The slab has magnesite and the leaky windows have caused concrete cancer.  By Special Resolution at the the 2010 AGM the owners agreed to repair the concrete cancer and install new windows.  It took more than two months to do the work on my unit (btw the OC did not pay me compensation for not being able to live in my home for two months – can they do this?).  I have two major leaks; 1. through the south facing window which is common property and, 2. into the east facing window which boarders the balcony, and, as a direct result of the works that were performed to repair the concrete cancer in the unit above me.  The OC is aware of this, there are plenty of photos.  The OC paid $5k for legal advice as to who was responsible and at the end of the day the advice was that it could not be proved if the defect was caused by the company that did the spalling works, the leaky windows or an original defect in the construction of the building and the positioning of the flashing in 1963.  Meanwhile I am teathered to my unit by a 5 kilometer radius if there is any sign of rain so that I can rush back and move all the furniture and catch the water.  We cannot see where it comes in but it gets onto my blind and drips from the entire base of it so there is no way I can just put a bucket under it.  Two tradies have looked and the problem and they will not guarantee they can fix it without replacing the windows which requires the arguing owners to stop arguing and get on with the replacement of the windows.  Thanks for your great advice.