
    The OC have a duty of care to maintain the property, which they are obviously not doing. If it is possible to repair the leaking just for your unit get a written quote from a trades person to repair your unit.

    Send a copy of this quote to the SM and the Secretary of the OC telling them unless they approve the quote (or they organize their own quote within the same time frame) within 14 days and instruct the trades person to proceed you will start legal proceeding against the OC at CTTT.

    CTTT involves conciliation and then adjudication (takes about 3 months) but the result should be in your favor (costs about $150)

    An alternative if the OC don’t proceed after the 14 days is to go ahead with the repairs yourself and pay but then go to CTTT to recover the costs.

    Take plenty of photos of the leak and damage caused to reenforce your case at CTTT and keep copies of all correspondence.