
    OK, I’ve had a few whiskies, so let’s get started.

    JT …

    “There was no ban on pets”, but there was a ban on pets “arriving” without written permission (in the form of a By-Law).

    KEB …

    I’m still not sure whether you want the dog to visit “occasionally” as stated in your original post, or to stay permanently, which is the impression I get from your later posts.

    If there are 3 units, there are 3 members of the OC, not the 2 you state.

    The EC may well be comprised of 2 members.

    Permission has to come from the OC, not the landlord, not the SM, not the EC (unless the OC choose not to override their decision).

    You have the landlord over a barrel with the extra clause written into the lease (but that’s not sufficient permission).

    What about the 3rd owner? Have you talked to them?

    Has the OC already held an EGM to decide to amend the By-Law, or is that still in the future? It may not pass.

    You can’t be evicted by the landlord, because you haven’t breached the lease (with its extra clause).

    You can’t be evicted by the OC. Ever.

    The OC can take you to the CTTT for breaching a By-Law, either the old one requring permission, or the new one banning pets altogether.

    Or you could take the OC to the CTTT, on the grounds of “unreasonable” refusal, or that they changed the By-Laws during your tenancy.

    How long is your lease?

    CCB …

    Yes, that’s one disadvantage of being “pet friendly”. Give a Leasing Agent 2.54 cm, and they’ll take 1.609344 kilometres. As JT says elsewhere, they are “paragons” of something or other. I think “paragon” is a  term for a geometric figure which has at least two faces.

    Anyways, the Strata Review will probably solve all our problems. I understand they’re going to make pets compulsory. And they’ll probably ban smoking on balconies, so you’ll have to do it inside with the kids. Which will only leave one problem, pets who smoke, like that monkey on Big Bang.