
    What should have happened is that the landlord, having been told that KEB wanted to have a pet (or have a pet visit, it’s not too clear), then made an application to the EC/OC for permission for that pet to be kept, or to visit (whatever).  The lease could have said, you can have a pet, subject to permission from the OC being granted.  But that didn’t happen.

    The landlord sounds like a tool.

    On the changing of the by-laws front – where an OC changes a by-law to forbid the keeping of animals for example, that by-law can’t apply retrospectively.  So any animals already there can’t be kicked out.  Of course here there was no OC permission given, so you’re in a no-man’s land.  If you haven’t already, put an application for permission in under the current by-law, if they refuse then you probably have grounds to say they are being unreasonable.

    However – there is the lease, and I would be inclined to follow Jimmy’s advice and just stick it out.  The worst that can happen is that you have to leave, and then you can take action against the landlord for the costs incurred because they breached a term of the lease.

    I love that bit about smoking pets.