
    ok… just to clarify a few things…

    I would love to have my dog here permanently that would be great, but I signed a lease with a clause saying she could stay occasionally. (the reason being – verbally expressed by the landlord- that she wanted to introduce the dog slowly, then if everyone was ok with it then keep her here full time). id have loved to have her here full time but was happy to accept this ‘compromise’. Nobody said anything to me about strata laws, getting permission from an OC or anything. Call me naïve but I just assumed that if the landlord oked it that’s all I needed.

    I’m on a 12 month lease. I don’t really want to move yet. I really just want to bring my dog home , and not face any consequences such as fines or eviction…. can they fine me or can I contest that if they do try?

    There are 3 units here,  2 owned by my landlord and one owned by the lawyer. The renters in the 3rd unit are happy for me to keep the dog here. I assumed the landlord and the lawyer make up the OCEC or whatever. maybe I’m wrong. I have sent a letter to the lawyer asking for her permission and I have emailed the lawyer and the landlord requesting permission.

    So far I’ve received no reply- what happens if they ignore my request or drag it out?? how do I get them to hurry up and respond?

    On talking to my landlord she said she intended to meet with the lawyer to discuss permission of the dog- the outcome of this meeting was the decision to ban dogs altogether (yes the landlord is a two faced tool!).

    I think seeing as she is in breach (for not seeking their permission on the dog in the first place) of the OC agreement the lawyer has threatened her and now she is siding with them to get herself out of trouble???????????