
    thanks strata guru. I have since figured out that the by laws are in fact permissable of pets upon approval. …where it states also that permission cannot be unreasonably withheld.

    what would unreasonablereasonable be ?? who decides this?!

    I recieved a letter from the real estate that said something like:” The OC are within their rights to refuse permission so long as not deemed to be unreasonable. Taking into the close proximity of the neighbouring flats, their right to quiet enjoyment of and use of the shared grass area and the affect that having a dog present has on their habitation of the premises in which they reside, grounds for refusal of permission to keep the dog at the property are not deemed unreasonable.”


    This has been sent to me even thought there is no dog here and has not been a dog present at all yet. Our “close proximity” is infact that we are a detached building on our own with a 6 ft gate at the entrance of the property and a smaller gate at the balcony leading onto the common area. The dog would not be kept on the common area at all. If she were on common property I would be with her at all times.

    Im assuming reaonable would mean she is not kept on common property, she is not noisey, I clean up after her , I share with the neighbours her 3 references from past neighbours stating her lovely temperament especially with children and acknowledge any other concerns they may have with a dog etc. basically they would hardly notice her presence.

    How and who do i argue my point with?