
    You're obviously prepared to go to a lot of effort and expense in order to do the right thing, and whilst I admire that approach, it may all be for naught if your Owners Corporation (O/C) or the Developer, as they who hold the majority Unit of Entitlement, does as you suggest, just say no!

    Why not limit your expense by purchasing a suitably-sized freestanding cat enclosure, and place that on your terrace together with the screening/landscaping you have suggested, but again freestanding in pots/planters?

    In that way you don't need to seek the consent of your O/C as you're not altering or fastening anything to the Common Property (CP), and you’'re limiting your expense whilst you “test the waters” with your neighbours and your O/C.

    Then if the worst happens and you receive complaints, you can offer to remove everything freestanding with little effort and with no damage to CP, and concurrently propose to replace that with the gold-plated option that you're considering now.

    In that way, your O/C could claim a “win” – and that may well be just what you need; as they say “slowly, slowly catchy monkey”.