
    From what Felix has said I gather this was an Executive Committee meeting?


    You can’t put up a motion at a General Meeting of the OC in relation to minutes of the EC, as it is a different forum.  The people voting at a general meeting are different to the people voting at an EC – people who were not in attendance at a meeting cannot then vote on whether or not a minute of that meeting was wrong.(also refer below re the general principles that apply to minutes)


    In terms of minutes generally – once they are approved at a subsequent meeting and signed by the Chair they cannot be changed and they stand as a record of that meeting.  Even if all of the attendees agree they are wrong they can’t be changed (really).  You can make minor changes to signed minutes, such as changing a date, this would have to be done by the Chair and initialled by hand.


    What you can do if you believe the minutes of an ECM are incorrect is raise it as a motion to be included in the agenda of a subsequent meeting.  You can do that in a number of ways depending on why you think they are wrong.  For example – the motion can say, “That in respect of Motion X approved by the EC at its meeting on X, the EC noted that the following was incorrect….” and then insert what was wrong, and what the minutes should have said.


    That way you correct the record.  Of course the others may not agree with you, but if the minutes are properly drafted there should be a record that the issue was raised.


    If you believe an actual resolution was wrong you would have to have the EC rescind that resolution and put up another resolution for approval.