Sir Humphrey

    That sounds like the procedure known as a ‘reduced quorum’ meeting in the ACT. I guess the key thing is ‘Did any decision of the meeting depend on just one vote?’ If the outcome would have been the same, then correcting the attendance record when minutes are accepted at the next meeting is really all that is needed. If there was a very close vote then perhaps it is worth making a fuss about. 

    If that person who came and went left instructions with the chair that could be construed as a proxy vote then perhaps she was ‘present’ in that sense. Not perfect but perhaps not all that dodgy. 

    If you are dissatisfied with the outcome of the meeting, perhaps NSW has provisions like the ACT for reduced quorum meetings? Here, a decision does not take effect for 28 days. Minutes must be distributed with a reduced quorum notice within 7 days. A reduced quorum decision can be overturned within the 28 days by a petition of a majority of owners who would have been entitled to vote at the time of the meeting. Any subsequent general meeting can resolve to revoke the decision.