
    Hi Dech,

    I think it is a slightly “long bow” to be calling it “misappropriation”as your EC probably has the authority to spend money as it pleases without limitations.

    What you need to do is get a motion on the next agenda of a General Meeting to LIMIT their authority – if you and other owners think that is necessary.

    I would suggest that it is simply good strata politics to get a concensus when altering common property but I don’t think any such non-agreed changes amounts to misappropriation of funds…

    With respect to arranging repairs on common property, the strata shemes management act and regulations places an obligation upon an OC to do this.  IF they don’t, you should take them to the CTTT.


    Similarly, I think that they have an obligation to respond to correspondence to the EC – epseically if it relates to breahes of by-laws. again – if they fail – take them to the CTTT.