
    You sound like a very diligent landlord, most tenants would love to have you.  

    A primary cause of damp and hence mould is lack of ventilation.  This is particularly the case in a bathroom.  I don’t think it is unreasonable to ask a tenant to open a window to allow for ventilation in a room.  As regards security, it isn’t clear what kind of window it is, can it be fixed so it can be opened to a point but no further?

    More generally – it is a good idea to have a fan in a bathroom and I think current standards require that there be one in a bathroom (I might be wrong, feel free to correct me).  Is there any way of putting a fan in a wall?  Either way you would have to get OC approval.

    Finally – were there mould problems in the bathroom prior to the tenant being there, because if not, this suggests that the tenant may be causing the problem, either by not opening the window or some other mysterious thing they are doing.

    Incidentally – the most effective treatment for mould is oil of cloves diluted in water.  It actually kills the mould spores.