
    Now that is a tricky one.

    There are some technicalities in relation to EC members being represented by someone else.

    Clause 3 of Schedule 3 of the Act provides that a member of the EC can appoint an owner to act in their place as a member of the EC, provided the EC consents to that.  So a couple of things:

    – is the husband an owner?  That is – is he on the title of the property?  If he isn’t, then he can’t act in the wife’s place as an EC member and that solves your problem.

    – if he is an owner, then there is the matter of the EC consenting to the wife appointing the husband.  You say that the other EC member is likely to vote their way, but that still leaves the other vote which if it were negative would mean that no consent has been given.

    This is presuming that the husband/wife can’t vote on the consent issue – I am not too sure of that, but at this point it can bind them up in a few technicalities, and you could call their bluff and just say sorry you can’t vote. 

    At the very least you should be insisting that the husband/wife duo comply with the formalities required if they wish to play this game.  What I am saying is that the husband can’t just expect to roll up and represent his wife without at least going through the process required.

    The thing is, even if you do that, if the other EC member is still too chicken you are not going to be able to get the notice to comply issued.

    Otherwise you could put a motion to the EC requesting that they enforce the relevant by-laws.  If they don’t you have the option to make your own application to NCAT in relation to the breach/es.

    More generally, I am not sure how many people are in your scheme but have you thought of getting more people on the EC?