Lady Penelope

    The penthouse owner can call for a Poll vote at a General Meeting whenever they want to affect the vote in their favour.

    SSMA 2015 Schedule 1 Section 14(3) and (4) states:

    (3) Value of votes to apply for poll If a poll is demanded by a person present and entitled to vote on a motion or for the election of officers of the owners corporation or members of the strata committee at the meeting, the motion is to be decided according to the value of the votes cast for and against the motion and the value of a vote cast by a person entitled to vote in respect of a lot is equal to the unit entitlement of that lot. However, the value of the vote of an original owner is to be calculated in the same way as for a special resolution.

    Note : Section 5 sets out the manner in which a special resolution is determined.

    (4) Polls A poll may be demanded immediately before or after a vote decided by a majority in number has been taken. The demand for a poll may be withdrawn by the person who made it.