
    I'd just like to point out that StrataRes, who sponsor this page, offer a graduated web-based service to let you have as much or as little strata management service as you want (or can afford).

    It may not be ideal for everyone but I'm sure they'd be able to put you in touch with building's that use their service so you can hear from their customers directly. It's not because they're sponsors – it's because they're offering a service I haven't seen anywhere else that breaks that nexus of small blocks wanting the same level of service as larger strata plans but for a lot less money.

    Any strata manager will tell you that small buildings can be just as much work as – if not more than – big strata plans, but the fees don't match the effort required.

    The opinions offered in these Forum posts and replies are not intended to be taken as legal advice. Readers with serious issues should consult experienced strata lawyers.