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With regard to the type of fence that should be constructed ….
Are there other fences between the exclusive use areas of other Lots? If so, what material are the fences made from? Did the Body Corporate pay for the construction of the fences or was the payment negotiated between the adjoining owners?
Generally, there should be a dividing fence if one of the neighbours requests one. If Lot B wants a fence erected then you as the owner of Lot A cannot prevent a fence from being erected.
The fence should be constructed of the same or similar material that is common at your scheme. This should not then offend any ‘Appearance of a Lot’ by-laws.
For fences within a strata scheme between lots the two lot owners affected will be responsible.
Generally, if both Lot A and Lot B will receive a benefit from the fence between their two respective exclusive use areas e.g. the benefits of: privacy; safety for children; restraint of pets etc, then both owners should contribute equally.
Some useful information about who pays for the fence between two exclusive use areas is here: https://mybodycorpreport.com.au/body-corporate-fences/