
    Yes it is sickening to find yourself living next door to a bully.  But, as has now been said many times, there is a fairly direct route to a solution here.

    The next-door owner can’t build anything on common property without the approval of the Owners Corporation, and that requires a motion passed without dissent.

    Obviously, you are going to dissent to any plans to build a new fence, so she is scuppered.

    And as much as we are happy to let you vent your frustrations,  you need to move forward; there’s little point in just restating your albeit valid concerns over and over.

    At the very least, you should ask your committee and/or your strata manager to send her a letter telling her that she can’t construct anything on common property without Body Corporate approval and anything that is constructed without approval may be removed at her personal expense. 

    However, you are prepared to discuss a solution that is mutually acceptable.

    If the committee and strata manager won’t so it, then get a strata lawyer to do it.

    The opinions offered in these Forum posts and replies are not intended to be taken as legal advice. Readers with serious issues should consult experienced strata lawyers.