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@JimmyT said:
If I am reading this correctly, the new owner wants to return the property to its original state as per the plan, and that plan did not include a fence.If that’s the case, then there’s your leverage. She can remove her fence but you will fight tooth and nail to prevent her erecting another one (until a compromise can be worked out).
Meanwhile, you want to get an interim order from NCAT to prevent any further work until this is resolved.
And you really, really need to talk to an experienced strata lawyer as soon as possible.
And get yourself elected to the committee to replace one of the others who are jumping ship.
Thanks for your reply JimmyT
We are preparing an application for an Interim Order via BCCM. We are in Qld.
The application must include final orders for an Adjudicator to consider.
Just quickly: what is process to get elected to Committee?
The a Committee member has indicated she wants us all to “sit down around the table” and have a chat to work things out.
We would like to engage the BCCM Conciliation process.
Do you think the BC Manager should have told us about this when she first learned about it in October? This was many weeks before Lot B was sold.
We will continue to look into engaging a Strata Lawyer. Not feeling confident that it won’t be throwing good money after bad.