

    All comments are extremely interesting, well considered and very helpful, but I still feel as if I’m being held to ransom by our OC/SMA.  The situation in our 160+ NSW Strata:-

    The SMA/EC failed to place a Motion on our November AGM following my August 2014 request for bathroom renovations, but did place a Motion on the Agenda for another Owner wanting to renovate their bathroom.  The AGM Minutes from November have yet to be distributed.

    The SMA confirms no charge to put a Motion on the Agenda for the AGM.  

    Prior to the AGM the SMA, who acts as our OC’s Secretary, failed to respond to my written requests and questions about bathroom renovations in the two month period allowable under Section 138 (2)(b) of the SSMA.

    SMA quotes:  $5,000.00-$7,000.00 for ‘Admin’ to organise an EGM, payable by the Lot Owner to the SMA (of course).  To date, two Owners have complied, ‘paper’ EGMs have been called, quorums for these EGMs have not been reached – no Minutes of the EGMs distributed – so these Owners have been given ‘conditional approval, ie a wink and a nod, by the SMA at subsequent ‘paper ECMs’ where the Strata Manager was the only person present, to proceed with renovations…after all, the Owners had paid the SMA $5,000-$7,000 each in ‘admin’ charges.

    As well, the Tenant of one Commercial Lot has twice, in the last 18 months, completely guttered and done a major fit out including changes to common property wiring, walls etc, all with approval at EC level (not at a General Meeting), with no undertaking necessary re Bonds, assuming responsibility to the OC in the case of faulty workmanship etc.

    With 160+ Lots, it’s close to impossible to engage Owners in a paper EGM over Bathroom renovations (let alone anything else) and to reach a quorum.  

    This is therefore turning out to be an absolute mini-gold mine for our SMA, who I don’t trust for a second.