
    John – I’m sure that Jimmy can and will respond for himself, but in the meantime you may wish to consider that the exclusion of waterproofing works from the proposed Sect 110 may be related to the prevalence of leakage from incorrectly applied waterproofing materials, the impacts of that leakage upon other Lots and Common Property, and changes to the requirements of the NSW Dept. of Fair Trading that also single-out waterproofing as an activity now requiring a specific license and for a Statement of Compliance to be provided to whoever it is that has commissioned the works.

    I’m not sure that so-called “routine bathroom renovations” would necessarily include waterproofing, but the proposed Sect. 110 does provide Owners Corporations with the ability to approve and register a generic Special By-Law covering bathroom renovations or more specifically the waterproofing of wet areas, and to thereby delegate relevant consents to its Strata Committees.