
    I believe we may be about to head down this road.  We only have one member on the EC who does not have the time to carry out all duties due to work and family committments.

    Owners in this EC who have never put their hand up, due they say to the fact that they don't have time, believe that those on the EC do have time.  They don't, they make time.

    Our EC gets quotes to carry out works, reports to carry out repairs, and yet the owners reject these, want more quotes/reports done then complain that nothing gets done in the complex.  Getting quotes/reports done for a complex takes time let alone all the organising that would be involved in getting works carried out, that is if we could get a quote/report approved.  That is why I will no longer put my hand up. And that is why we have maintenance and repair issues outstanding.

    So I hope that soon we have the SM handling all of our affairs.