
    If a resident makes a situation known to the EC about a resident being in breach of and the EC verifies it, then why have to put a name to it?  I agree with a previous comment that the type of person who continually breaks by-laws is the type of person to take revenge.

    I have a friend who has complained in her complex and she has been harrassed and has had her car parked in so she cannot get to work.  And of course, she can't get the car towed because it is private property can't call the police and the DFT won't let you tow unless it is agreed upon by all owners.

    If a complaint can be verified (ie a resident can be seen to be in breach of such as misuse/destruction of common property) then one should be able to tell the committee and let them take action.  I have no problem with the “it has come to the notice of the committee” letter.  But then again, I abide by the strata by-laws. 

    I moved into strata for the protection I thought it gave me.  But there seems to be no way to address those who do not do the right thing.  Can't you leave anonymous tip offs for the police about a situation?  But you can't tip off the EC about a situation?  The police then have to go and verify any wrongdoing before acting.  Can't the EC verify then act? I Can't wait to get out of strata!  There is no protection for those who do the right thing.  The wrong doers plead harrassment.  Don't do the wrong thing – no complaints!  And the more people get away with doing wrong, with no one game to point it out, then the more people will do wrong.