
    There are the bully executive committees with bully members; there are the bully, inconsiderate residents who subject everyone else to their unfair noise, tobacco smoke drift and all manner of anti-social behaviour which always seems to come together in one package; there are the people scared of complaining about the neighbours who may be genuinely frightening; there are those who will put up with lots simply because they don’t want to make waves… there are those who want the quiet life and those who just want to party 24 hours a day. There are young people, old people, families with kids and babies… there are also the gutless and hopeless sheltered workshops of The Office Trading and The CTTT where everything takes an interminable age to get done… there are the lazy strata managers ripping us off left, right and centre… and there are baseball bats. Just kidding! But seriously why can’t everyone just be thoughtful and considerate of others in strata blocks?!