
    That’s right – there is no requirement to send the AGM minutes within a certain time.  I don’t think there is a norm.  When we do ours I tell the manager to send them to me in draft form so I can finalise them (I’m the secretary).  In many cases they are not provided until the notice of the next GM.

    Note that the actual minutes are subject to a resolution at the next meeting that they are the true and correct record of the proceedings and to that extent they are not finalised minutes, so if they are wrong then it would be good practice to send them out say within a month.  We had one instance where the levies were recorded incorrectly in the minutes, and the stupid strata manager made us have an EGM to correct them at our expense, even though they had made the mistake.

    You could put up a motion at the next GM providing that the OC will provide the draft minutes to owners within a certain time.