Imogen Bannister

    Further to this subject at our AGM on 20 September we agreed to delegate Minor Renovations to the Strata Committee. Several weeks after I, the Secretary, called a Strata Committee meeting in relation to a minor renovation. A notice and agenda were sent to all owners as well as the Strata Manager within the relevant legal time frame. Days after the meeting I sent out the Minutes.  The Strata Committee was very careful to follow due process. However, the Strata Manager got most irrate.  We were shocked at his reaction and decided it must be because we had inadvertently avoided having to pay for a meeting. We pointed out that we followed due process and were entitled to call a Strata Committee Meeting as a result of the special resolution at the AGM. He is now saying the By-Law has not been registered yet.

    Do we have to wait for him to register the By-Law despite the matter being resolved weeks ago at the AGM?