Imogen Bannister

    Thank you both for your comments. I realise we can call SC meetings whenever we like but we have another minor renovation which we would like to follow through ASAP following due process but because the By-Law is not registered the SM is saying we have to pay for a general meeting (that nobody needs to attend). Without a doubt our SM is trying to coerce us into paying for all meetings.  It was his extremely rude and unusually quick response to my Minutes that made me question what was he so upset about. A few days earlier in an email he eluded to a minor renovation requiring a paid meeting. A number of emails from him since have contained scaremongering terminology.  Certainly not the guidance and support you would expect from a Strata Manager. Our SC is aware there is a difference between Strata Rules and Regulations and the revenue raising policies of our Strata Managers. I hope other OCs quickly work that out too!

    For now I guess the best we can do is instruct him to get organised and register the By-Law. Then of course, look for another SM when his contract is due for renewal.