
Thanks for the Links.  I will be contacting them for further information.  Our local council advises that any music with a defined base that is audible beyond the boundary of your property may be deemed to be too loud.  I am deeming it too loud and a nuisance under the state law – thus at any time of the day or night I consider it to be a nuisance.  Unfortunately the council will not do anything further until the police come out a determine the music is excessive – then they can go further.  I live in a place where noisy music is not a top priority.

Our By-Laws do not say anything specific about noise.  I was relying on Schedule 1 Section 2 of the ByLaws about denying me quiet enjoyment of my property.  I simply want to be able to be in my home and not hear the music. EVER!. I know for some this may be extreme but this little brat has caused me so much stress over the whole thing.

I was going to ask the Tribunal to allow the Strata to implement fines of up to $500 per offence under section 1094 of the act.  Legal advice I had (about 1 year ago) advised this was not automatically part of the by-laws and needed to be introduced through AGM and have a by law written up. 

The Owners never turn up to AGMs or even reply to the notices, I guess I would like a chance to get them in a room and explain my side of the story.

think it may be best just to put the parents on and keep calling the police.

Thanks for all your help.  Much appreciated.