
Both GF (now wife) and bird cohabited for the next few years. Even though the noise stopped, there was a low-level conflict that played out for the next 6 months. The cockatiel developed a strategy that focused on quick strikes deep in enemy territory, with a quick retreat once detected. These were usually sabotage ie. the chew and poo strategy (applied to books and shoes, respectivelY) and precise assaults on vulnerable targets such as waiting until GF was asleep on the couch, and biting her toes (very painful). 


Any attempt by the GF to retaliate was accompanied by me pointing out that she was being outsmarted by a small fluffy bird. Gradually, they accommodated one another; GF would let the cockatiel play in the newspaper while she was reading it and the sabotage/assaults ceased. Aside from the occasional strife (standard for parrots really) they got along well enough until the cockatiel passed of natural causes years later.