
    Whale said 

    I represented our Owners Corporation (O/C) at the Consumer, Trader, and Tenancy Tribunal (CTTT) on an occasion when we had issued tenants with a Notice to Comply, the Adjudicator acknowledged that the tenants had breached the By-Law (which infers a requirement to comply), but dismissed the matter as the tenants claimed that they hadn’t been provided with a copy of those By-Laws by their Property Manager. 

    And this exactly is why no one has any faith in the CTTT as any kind of even-handed arbiter of strata issues.  I think these CTTT bozos see the word “corporation” and think they are doing the world a favour by protecting poor individuals against great heartless institutions. Try using ignorance of the law as an excuse the next time you are caught speeding or park illegally or thrash a CTTT adjudicator black and blue with a copy of Strata Living. “Oh, is that against the law?  Nobody told me.”

    It says on the rental agreement that the tenant has to be given a copy of the by-laws. If they’re not given a copy, they should ask for it.  And surely when they received a Notice To Comply, which must stipulate the by-law that has been breached, that should have been enough of an incentive for them to go and seek out a copy of the by-laws. 

    There’s an idea for all you badly behaved tenants out there – just claim no one gave you a copy of the by-laws and, according to the CTTT, you can do as you please.  Sigh.

    The opinions offered in these Forum posts and replies are not intended to be taken as legal advice. Readers with serious issues should consult experienced strata lawyers.