Sir Humphrey

    struggler said:

    Have often thought that there should be some sort of limitation to people being on the EC … We now have a ruling that if you are on the EC, you cannot vote on matters concerning your own unit. 

    People don't do that as a matter of course? I have always observed that EC members here expect to absent themselves from decisions in which they have a particular interest.


    At a recent AGM we had a motion put by an owner that anyone who had been on the EC for 3 consecutive years should stand down and not seek reelection for another year. It was transparently aimed at a couple of members who had put proposals for common property improvements that this owner had disliked. Plenty of past EC members spoke of the importance of continuity and corporate memory and the difficulty of finding anyone to stand. The motion was voted down resoundingly. 


    Re the original question, what is the limit on the EC size in NSW? In the ACT it is 7 (unless a special resolution makes it greater). Is a voting procedure given? Here it is not. We have generally taken nominations and done one of two things. We have generally had fewer than 8 nominations and we have just had one motion to accept all the nominations. Once the chair decided we would vote on all nominees separately. I think she did that because one absent owner had written on his proxy form to vote against two particular EC members if they were nominated (one was me). As it happened those two members were reelected resoundingly but the person mentioned in the paragraph above became the only person ever to nominate then fail to get onto our EC.