
    First of all, provided the relative was “financial” at the last AGM – i.e. their levies were up to date – then they can nominate anyone they want to stand for the committee.

    But that person still has to be elected, so they are there by dint of the active or passive support of the other owners.  Even so, they should not be giving the strata manager instructions whether they were approved by the committee or not. Communications should come from the chair or secretary.

    You need to have a word with the strata manager to remind them that they can only take instructions from the committee (or the OC as a whole) and if the don’t want their contract cancelled, and to be held personally liable for bad decisions that weren’t approved by the committee, they need to start acting professionally.

    Then, at the next AGM, organise your support, reduce the number of members on the committee and make sure your strata fascist isn’t elected.

    The opinions offered in these Forum posts and replies are not intended to be taken as legal advice. Readers with serious issues should consult experienced strata lawyers.