Billen Ben

    Infocus said:

    Under the POEO Act, a resident can seek a court-issued noise abatement order for harmful noise emitted by neighbours. 


    Is there a corresponding law protecting against harmful smoke? If not, is this an inconsistency in NSW legislation?

    What is harmful smoke? If it comes out of a wood-fire heater; is that harmful smoke? I recall when i lived in the ACT the legislature made changes to only allow certain types of wood to be burned so as to maintain a level of air quality in winter.

    I live in a SP where the smell of wood fires fills the night air every winter. Half the time it smells like somebody is burning plastic logs. The smell is arguable worse than residual smoke from a fag.

    I have lived in the Shire of Sydney when the National Park is on fire, the sky goes red and there is a haze of smoke. Some nights in this SP are similar to that level of smoke; it is like there is a bush fire somewhere.
    What comes out some of the chimneys here is excessive. If there were to be laws against “harmful” smoke then I feel there is the odd person in my SP who will rediscover the meaning of winter chill.