Billen Ben

    Whale said:

    I have a situation in our self-managed Plan where there is a leak inside an internal wall within a Lot, and where water from that leak is running down a wall cavity and into the Lot below.

    It's only a leak (from a water pipe that services only the Lot concerned) and whilst it's by no means a torrent (yet), it is does need to be fixed and whilst the Property Manager is aware of the problem neither they nor the Proprietor is returning the E/C's phone calls.

    The ISTM have a download called Who's Responsible.
    You can find it here

    This may help with how to approach the problem as it helps to identify who is responsible.

    Normally burst pipes are the responsibility of the Owners Corporation. However, if a pipe is for the exclusive use of the lot, then if it bursts:
    • Within the lot – Owners responsibility (e.g. pipe in an internal wall feeding the shower)
    • Outside the lot – Owners Corporations responsibility (e.g. the lots hot water pipes but they are in the concrete floor)